Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Crisis Time

Tough times don't last. Tough people do. There will be times that suck. Life includes pain and heartbreak if you are living your fullest lives.

ACT UP: Acknowledge the suck - don't brush aside pain/feelings; Continue to love and live - this may mean forgiving; Take responsibility for what is yours; Use your resources to get through; Process so you can proceed.

Acknowledge the suck. Accept that something is going on and it is not what you would want. It is okay to cry, scream, rant at the situation. Don’t diminish anyone’s pain and suffering, especially not your own. Lean in to the suck. Don't try to brush it away or avoid it.

Continue to live and love. Yes, you may want to curl up in a little ball, hoping it will all be different in the morning. Unfortunately, this is real life and you have bills to pay. The sun continues to rise and set and so must you!

Take responsibility for what is yours but only what is yours. You don’t need to play the hero and fix everything. Do consider what you are responsible for and show up for that.

Use your resources to get through this tough time. You need a shoulder to cry on? Find that shoulder. You need your friends and family to step up and help? Ask them. In times of crisis, there are people who want to help, but they also want to give you space. You need to reach out and ask for what you need when you need it. If you don’t have a community behind you or you need specialized assistance, find a professional. Your primary physician can recommend a good therapist and prescribe you short term drugs to get you through your first appointment.

Process so you can proceed. Once the crisis is over, take the time to reflect upon what happened, why did it happen, what were the contributing factors, what (if anything) can be done reasonably to prevent it from happening again, and what have you learned from the experience.

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